Copyright (c) 2002-2005 by Davide Bionda, Ph.D.
RUNSALT is a graphical user interface to the ECOS thermodynamic model for the prediction of the behaviour of salt mixtures under changing climate conditions, as described in Price (2000). RUNSALT takes care of data pre-/postprocessing and visualization of the results.
If you use RUNSALT, please place the following two citations in any report, publication or other disclosure of results obtained with it:
- Bionda, D., 2005. RUNSALT - A graphical user interface to the ECOS thermodynamic model for the prediction of the behaviour of salt mixtures under changing climate conditions.
- Price, C. A. (Ed.), 2000. An expert chemical model for determining the environmental conditions needed to prevent salt damage in porous materials. European Commission Research Report No 11, (Protection and Conservation of European Cultural Heritage). Archetype Publications, London.
The most recent version is RUNSALT
Here are some works related to the ECOS model:
Bionda, D. (2006), 'Modelling indoor climate and salt behaviour in
historical buildings: A case study', PhD thesis, Diss. Nr. 16567 ETH
Bionda, D. (2004), Methodology for the preventive conservation of
sensitive monuments: microclimate and salt activity in a church, in
'10th International Congress on Deterioration and Conservation of
Stone, June 27 - July 2, Stockholm', ICOMOS Sweden, 627-634.
Bionda, D. & Storemyr, P. (2002), Modelling the behaviour of
salt mixtures in walls: a case study from Tenaille von Fersen,
Suomenlinna, Finland, in T. Von Konow, ed.,'The study of salt
deterioration mechanisms. Decay of brick walls influenced by interior
climate changes', Suomenlinnan hoitokunta, Helsinki, 95-101.
Eklund, S. (2008), 'Stone Weathering in the Monastic Building Complex
on Mountain of St Aron in Petra, Jordan', Master's thesis, University
of Helsinki, Institute for Cultural Studies, Department of Archaeology.
Franzen, C. & Mirwald, P. (2009), 'Moisture sorption behaviour
of salt mixtures in porous stone', Chemie der Erde - Geochemistry -
Interdisciplinary Journal for Chemical Problems of the Geosciences and
Geoecology 69(1), 91-98.
Klenz Larsen, P. (2007), 'The salt decay of medieval bricks at a vault
in Brarup Church, Denmark', Environmental Geology 52(2), 375-383.
Maguregui, M. (2007), 'Estudio del impacto medioambiental sobre
ladrillos históricos mediante una nueva metodología analítica',
Master's thesis, Universidad del Pais Vasco.
Maguregui, M.; Sarmiento, A.; Martínez-Arkarazo, I.; Angulo, M.;
Castro, K.; Arana, G.; Etxebarria, N. & Madariaga, J. (2008),
'Analytical diagnosis methodology to evaluate nitrate impact on
historical building materials', Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry
391(4), 1361-1370.
Maguregui, M.; Knuutinen, U.; Castro, K. & Madariaga, J. M.
(2010), 'Raman spectroscopy as a tool to diagnose the impact and
conservation state of Pompeian second and fourth style wall paintings
exposed to diverse environments (House of Marcus Lucretius)', Journal
of Raman Spectroscopy, Art and Archaeology 2009 special issue.
Price, C., ed. (2000), An expert chemical model for determining the
environmental conditions needed to prevent salt damage in porous
materials, Archetype Publications, London.
Price, C. (2007), 'Predicting environmental conditions to minimise salt
damage at the Tower of London: a comparison of two approaches',
Environmental Geology 52(2), 369-374.
Prokos, P. (2008), Equilibrium conditions of marine originated salt
mixtures: An ECOS application at the archaeological site of Delos,
Greece, in 'Salt Weathering on Buildings and Stone Sculptures, 22-24
October, Copenhagen'.
Sawdy, A. (2001), 'The Kinetics of Salt Weathering of Porous Materials:
Stone Monuments and Wall Paintings', PhD thesis, Institute of
Archaeology, University College London.
Sawdy, A. & Heritage, A. (2007), 'Evaluating the influence of
mixture composition on the kinetics of salt damage in wall paintings
using time lapse video imaging with direct data annotation',
Environmental Geology 52(2), 303-315.
Sawdy, A.; Heritage, A. & Pel, L. (2008), A review of salt
transport in porous media, assessment methods and salt reduction
treatments, in 'Salt Weathering on Buildings and Stone Sculptures,
22-24 October, Copenhagen'.
Sawdy, A. & Price, C. (2005), 'Salt damage at Cleeve Abbey,
England: Part I: a comparison of theoretical predictions and practical
observations', Journal of Cultural Heritage 6(2), 125-135.
Schwarz, H.-J.; Stadlbauer, E. & Niemeyer, R. (2008),
Diagnostic investigations to define the possibility and the
effectiveness of desalination with the poultice technique - a case
study, in 'Salt Weathering on Buildings and Stone Sculptures, 22-24
October, Copenhagen'.
Steiger, M. (2009), Modellierung von Phasengleichgewichten, in
Hans-Jürgen Schwarz & Michael Steiger, ed.,'Salzschäden an
Kulturgütern - Stand des Wissens und Forschungsdefizite. Ergebnisse des
DBU Workshops im Februar 2008 in Osnabrück', Deutsche Bundesstiftung
Umwelt, 80-99.
Steiger, M.; Charola, A. E. & Sterflinger, K. (2011),
Weathering and Deterioration, in S. Siegesmund & R. Snethlage,
ed., 'Stone in Architecture - Properties, Durability', Springer, 227-316.
Storemyr, P. (2002), 'The Regalia Room Mural Paintings Conservation
Project, Trondheim, Norway: Conservation Measures and Monitoring of
Salt Weathering 2001-2002', Technical report, Expert-Center für
Denkmalpflege Zürich, Report no. 2002-051.
Zehnder, K. & Schoch, O. (2009), 'Efflorescence of mirabilite,
epsomite and gypsum traced by automated monitoring on-site', Journal of
Cultural Heritage 10, 319-330.
SalzWiki. Information platform on salts, salt deterioration and mitigation in the cultural heritage.